The Aurora dentists at Dr. Charles Weingarten and Associates have been providing excellence in oral health care to the Aurora community for over 20 years. Our Aurora dental team is pleased to offer provide a modern dental facility, a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere and the highest standard of dental care.
If you have an oral heath care concern, a cosmetic dentistry questions or would simply like to let us know how we've made you smile, feel free to use the form below.
Dental Emergency?We understand how stressful a dental emergency can be and work hard to get you back to comfort as quickly as possible. If you experience a dental emergency during our business hours, contact our Aurora dental office immediately at (905) 727-9541. If we are not available or your call is outside of our office hours, there will be instructions on our voice mail or visit your local after hours dental clinic or hospital emergency room for immediate assistance.
New Patients are Always Welcome at our Aurora Dental Office!